14 August 2022
- All that is hidden—AOV1 127, G 746
- For all the saints—CWB 679, CWBII 439, G 884, GA 551
- God, whose purpose is to kindle—CWBII 500
- Hearts on fire—AOVNG 62
- Holy God, we praise your name—AOV2 129, CWB 710, CWBII 504, G 615, GA 411
- Send down the fire—AOV2 164, CWBII 389, GA 475, G 557
- Whence comes this fire—GA 474
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Ordinary Time)
- Psalm 39 (40): Lord, come to my aid! (Fitzgerald)—CWB 408
- Common Psalm 94 (95): If today you hear God’s voice (Wood)—GA 55
- Common Psalm 95: If today you hear his voice (Soper)—DD (OCP)
- Common Psalm 94 (95): If today you hear his voice (Willcock)—PFS 50
Gospel acclamation
John 10:27
Alleluia, Alleluia!My sheep listen to my voice, says the Lord;
I know them, and they follow me.
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- Canticle of the Turning (Cooney)—G 622, DD (GIA)
- Eye has not seen—AOV1 146, G 728, GA 466
- Glory in the cross (Schutte)—G 501, DD (OCP)
- Holy Spirit of fire (Mangan)—CWBII 110
- Living Spirit, holy fire (True)—DD (GIA)
- I am the bread of life (Toolan)—AOV1 49, CWB 718, CWBII 508, G 945, GA 204
- Lord, to whom shall we go? (Herry)—AOV1 6, CWBII 549, GA 189, DD (Marist Music, free)
- O God, you search me—AOV2 31, CWBII 572, G 581
- On eagle’s wings—AOV1 153, CWBII 654, G 691, GA 452
- Ubi caritas (Taizé)—CWBII 633, 634, GA 324
- Unless a grain of wheat—AOV1 35, CWBII 635, G 783, GA 500
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- All the ends of the earth (Dufford)—AOV1 76, G 604, GA 420
- All the ends of the earth (Fisher)—AOVNG 5
- Grant to us, O Lord—CWB 698, CWBII 291, GA 303
- Here I am (Alonso)—G 48, DD (GIA)
- O God of earth and space—CWBII 575
- Shine, Jesus, shine!—AOV2 59, CWBII 550
- Shout to the Lord—AOVNG 114, CWBII 557
Sending forth
- As a fire is meant for burning—G 744, GA 481, DD (GIA)
- Be thou my vision—AOV1 9, CWBII 455
- Holy God, we praise your name—AOV2 129, CWB 710, CWBII 504, G 615, GA 411
- Lift high the cross—CWBII 537, G 881
- Praise to you, O Christ, our Saviour—AOV1 28, CWBII 587, G 596, GA 407
- Take up your cross—CWBII 612, G 801
- The kingdom of God—CWBII 616, G 736
- With ev’ry mountain—CWBII 646