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Prayer of the faithful (Archive)

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

29 January 2023


Recognising that Christ is our wisdom, our virtue, our holiness and our freedom, we offer these prayers in the hope that we might serve God with our whole being.


We pray for Pope Francis and all those in ordained ministry. May they serve your people in a spirit of charity and love.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for all national leaders. In the spirit of justice, may they make their mark as peacemakers in our world.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for all who have responded to the Lord’s call, whether married, single, ordained to the priesthood or in religious life. May they grow in the grace of their vocations.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

As we begin a new school year, we pray for all teachers that they may be blessed in dealing with our young people, encouraging them to work to the best of their abilities and to enjoy success in their studies.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for our faith community as we share in this Eucharist. May we strive to use our God-given gifts in the service of others.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for …

Lord hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for sick parishioners, family members and friends, that they will find healing.
We pray for those who have died recently and those whose anniversaries we recall at this time. May they enter into the eternal life of God’s kingdom, as promised to us all.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.


Father in heaven, hear the prayers of all of us gathered here as we seek to more fully serve you. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer of the faithful (Archive)
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
Christ the King, Year B
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
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18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
Christ the King, Year C
1st Sunday in Advent, Year A
2nd Sunday in Advent, Year A
3rd Sunday in Advent, Year A
4th Sunday in Advent, Year A
Mary, the Holy Mother of God, Year A
The Epiphany of the Lord, Year A
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A 
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A 
1st Sunday of Advent, Year C
2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C
3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C
4th Sunday in Advent, Year C
Christmas Day, Year C
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The Epiphany of the Lord, Year C
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2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
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