God shows no partiality but hears all those who cry out in need. Let us begin our prayers to our God of mercy.
We pray for Pope Francis and all Church leaders. May Christians understand and put into practice the message of mercy they proclaim.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for peace in our world. May all peoples and nations respect the rights of others to live in security and peace.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for all those who have been affected by the recent floods. May they be given assistance, courage and fortitude as they begin the slow work of rebuilding their lives and their communities, and may God’s peace surround them through these challenging times.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for our faith community. May our Lenten practices and works for Project Compassion be the living witness of our commitment to live by the Gospel.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for …
Lord hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for he sick of our parish and for all who have asked for our prayers.
We commend to your love those who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they now be in eternal peace.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.
O God, may your love reach out and touch all those in need of your mercy. We offer these prayers to you through Jesus our Lord.