24 April 2022
- Alleluia No. 1—AOV1 15, CWBII 350, G 524, GA 360
- At the Lamb’s high feast we sing—CWBII 341
- By your kingly power, O risen Lord—CWB 633, CWBII 352, GA 352
- Christ is alive, with joy we sing—CWB 639, CWBII 353, GA 365
- Christ is here (Walker)—GA 351, DD (OCP)
- Easter glory fills the sky—CWB 671, CWBII 358, GA 366
- Sing a new song unto the Lord—AOV1 80, CWBII 598, GA 414
- Sing a new Church (Dufner)—G 743, DD (OCP)
- This is the feast of victory—CWBII 371, G 520
- This day was made by the Lord—CWBII 369, GA 356
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Holy Week and Easter)
- Common Psalm 117 (118): Give thanks to the Lord (Boschetti)—CWB 296 (verses 1, 3, 4)
- Common Psalm 117 (118): Let us rejoice (Haugen)—G 81, GA 71
- Common Psalm 117 (118): This is the day (Willcock)—CWB 289a, GA 70, PFS 26
- Seasonal Psalm 117 (118): Let us rejoice (Haugen)—G 81, GA 71
- Seasonal Psalm 117 (118): Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Willcock)—PFS 70
Gospel acclamation
John 20:29
Alleluia, Alleluia!
You believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen me;
happy are those who have not seen me, but still believe!
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- A new commandment—CWB 615, CWBII 443, GA 318
- Confitemini Domino/Come and Fill (Taizé)—CWBII 475, G 398, GA 430
- Eye has not seen—AOV1 146, G 728, GA 466
- My peace—AOV2 96, CWBII 558, GA 518
- O breathe on me, O breath of God—CWB 758, CWBII 564, G 902, GA 432
- You walk along our shoreline—CWBII 653
- An upper room—CWB 620, CWBII 309, GA 187
- Bless the Lord, my soul (Taizé)—AOV2 142, G 620
- In the breaking of the bread (Hurd)—AOV1 58, G 918, DD (OCP)
- I receive the living God—G 916, DD (OCP)
- Keep in mind—AOV1 180, CWB 730, CWBII 530, G 646
- Make of our hands a throne (Warner)—DD (GIA)
- Put your hands here, Thomas—Psallite: Sacred Song for Liturgy and Life, DD (Liturgical Press)
- Take and eat (Joncas)—CWBII 608, G 950, GA 198
- Take and eat (Russell)—AOV2 162, CWBII 117
- Taste and see (Dean)—CWBII 609, GA 34
- Taste and see God’s love (Wood)—GA 203
- Taste and see (Moore)—G 930, DD (GIA)
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- All the heavens—AOVNG 6
- All you nations, sing out your joy—CWB 616, CWBII 347, GA 353
- Celebrate—AOV1 44
- Halleluya! We sing your praises—G 626
- I know that my Redeemer lives (Soper)—AOV2 34, CWBII 145, DD (OCP)
- I know that my Redeemer lives! (DUKE STREET)—G 527
- I know that my Redeemer lives (WINCHESTER NEW)—CWBII 144
- Surrexit Christus (Taizé)—CWBII 365, G 529, GA 363
- This joyful Eastertide—CWB 845
- We walk his way/Ewe, thina—G 517, DD (GIA)
Sending forth
- Alleluia! Raise the gospel (Alstott/Farrell)—DD (OCP)
- Be not afraid (Taizé)—G 516
- By your kingly power, O risen Lord—CWB 633, CWBII 352, GA 352
- Christ is alive, with joy we sing—CWB 639, CWBII 353, GA 365
- Church of God—CWB 652, CWBII 471, GA 480
- Easter Alleluia—CWBII 348, G 537, GA 358
- Glory and praise to our God—AOV1 16, CWBII 491, GA 417, G 606
- Go out in the world—AOVNG 54
- Let heaven rejoice—AOV1 124
- Sing to the mountains—AOV1 92, CWBII 604, G 519, GA 362
- Siyahamba (We are marching)—AOV2 113, G 594
- Thine be the glory—CWBII 368
- We walk by faith—AOV1 63, CWBII 641, G 680, GA 447