22 December 2024
- Advent Song—GA 281
- City of God—AOV1 57, CWBII 453, G 766, GA 498
- O come, O come, Emmanuel—AOV1 174, CWB 763, CWBII 242, G 395, GA 285
- O come, divine Messiah!—G 401, CWBII 240
- People, look East—G 409
- Saviour of the nations, come—CWBII 246
- Sing out, earth and skies—AOV2 32
- The angel Gabriel—CWB 815, CWBII 247
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Advent)
- Psalm 79 (80): Lord, make us turn to you (Boschetti)—CWB 173, GA 47
Common response (may be used all through Advent)
- Come, O Lord, and set us free (Willcock)—PFS 64
Gospel acclamation
Luke 1:38
Alleluia, Alleluia!
I am the servant of the Lord:
may his will for me be done.
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- Hail Mary: gentle woman—G 889, GA 544, DD (OCP)
- I want to walk as a child of the light—CWBII 514, G 593
- Like a child rests—AOV1 85
- Magnificat (Taizé)—G 630, GA 545
- O Holy Mary—CWBII 413
- Servant of the Word—CWBII 414
- Bread for the world (Farrell)—DD (OCP)
- Here I am, Lord—AOV1 90, CWBII 518, G 777, GA 496
- Like a shepherd—AOV1 160, CWBII 538, GA 467
- My soul in stillness waits—CWBII 237, G 415, GA 280
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- Ave Maria—G 891
- Canticle of the Turning (Cooney)—G 622, DD (GIA)
- Emmanuel (Angrisano)—DD (OCP)
- How can I keep from singing?—G 685, GA 454, DD (OCP)
- Immaculate Mary—CWBII 416
- Magnificat—G 892
- People, look East—G 409
Sending forth
- Bring forth the kingdom—AOV2 4, CWBII 647, G 734, GA 478
- My soul rejoices in God, my Saviour—CWBII 212, GA 250
- O come, divine Messiah!—G 401, CWBII 240
- Open the heavens—AOV2 163, CWBII 243
- The coming of our Lord—CWBII 248