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Prayer of the faithful

Passion (Palm) Sunday, Year C

13 April 2025


United with Christ in this Holy Week, we call out to God for harmony, reconciliation and healing of the world’s wounds.


We pray for Pope Francis and all Church leaders. May they be inspired by the example of the Suffering Servant in their mission to call Christians to a sense of service to others.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for Project Compassion and the work of Caritas. May our contributions help lighten the load of communities who are struggling to make their way in the world.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for all who will be received into our Church this Easter. May they be supported and encouraged as they respond to the Christian call to worship and service.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for our faith community as we journey with Jesus through his passion and death. May we all more deeply understand and accept what these events mean to us.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for …

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray that all who are sick and suffering may be healed.
We pray for those who have died recently and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they be raised in Christ to the eternal life he has promised.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.


God of mercy and compassion, speak to those whose needs we entrust to you today. We pray this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever.

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