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Prayer of the faithful

Easter Sunday, Year C

20 April 2025


On this Easter Day, our hearts are full of gladness and hope. We confidently entrust our prayers of petition to God.


We pray for Pope Francis and all bishops and priests of our Church. May the Spirit guide them as they spread the Easter message throughout the world.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for all Church agencies and outreach programs. May their efforts be stimulated by the generosity of all who have contributed to Project Compassion.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

In recognition of Anzac Day this week, we pray for all women and men from Australia and New Zealand who lost their lives in the battles of the First World War. We pray for all who have fought on battlefields since then, especially those who are engaged in various battles around the world today.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for our faith community, especially those who were received into the Church this week. May the graces we have received during this Easter season help and encourage us to grow in the knowledge and love of our Lord and Saviour.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for …

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for the sick of our parish and for all who have asked for our prayers.
We pray for those who have died recently and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they be raised to be with the risen Lord.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.


God of life, hear these prayers of intercession. Let your mercy flow abundantly onto all who are in need. We make our prayers through Christ, the risen Lord.

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