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20 April 2025
- Alleluia! Alleluia!—CWBII 346
- Alleluia No. 1—AOV1 15, CWBII 350, G 524, GA 360
- Alleluia! Raise the gospel (Alstott/Farrell)—DD (OCP)
- At the Lamb’s high feast we sing—CWBII 341
- By your kingly power, O risen Lord—CWB 633, CWBII 352, GA 352
- Christ is alive, with joy we sing—CWB 639, CWBII 353, GA 365
- Christ is here (Walker)—GA 351, DD (OCP)
- Christ the Lord is risen today/Jesus Christ is risen today—CWBII 360, G 523, GA 361
- Easter Alleluia—CWBII 348, G 537, GA 358
- Easter glory fills the sky—CWB 671, CWBII 358, GA 366
- Easter Song—CWB 672
- Hail the day that sees him rise—CWBII 375
- Jesus is risen—AOVNG 82
- O sons and daughters—G 532
- Sing a new song unto the Lord—AOV1 80, CWBII 598, GA 414
- This day was made by the Lord—CWBII 369, GA 356
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Holy Week and Easter)
- Psalm 117 (118): This is the day (Willcock)—CWB 289a, GA 70, PFS 26
- Psalm 117 (118): Let us rejoice (Haugen)—G 81, GA 71
- Seasonal Psalm 117 (118): Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Willcock)—PFS 70
Sequence (sung or said)
- Christians, praise the pascal victim!—CWBII 344
Gospel acclamation (see CWBII 43–53)
1 Corinthians 5:7–8
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Christ has become our paschal Christ has become our paschal sacrifice;
let us feast with joy in the Lord.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
- Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (chant)—CWB 277, CWBII 43, GA 142
- Celtic Alleluia—AOV1 13, CWBII 48, GA 141
- Mawby Alleluia—CWBII 51
- Murray Alleluia—CWBII 52
- Taizé Alleluia—CWBII 53
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- Alleluia No. 1—AOV1 15, CWBII 350, G 524, GA 360
- Goodness is stronger than evil—G 528, DD (GIA)
- Jesus lives!—AOV2 29
- Now the green blade rises—AOV2 131, CWB 756, CWBII 363, G 534, GA 364
- Surrexit Christus (Taizé)—CWBII 365, G 529, GA 363
- Bread of life, hope of the world—AOV1 164, CWBII 459, GA 199
- I am the bread of life (Toolan)—AOV1 49, CWB 718, CWBII 508, G 945, GA 204
- In remembrance of you—CWBII 359, GA 355
- Love divine, all loves excelling—CWB 740, CWBII 552, G 641, GA 463
- Make of our hands a throne (Warner)—DD (GIA)
- One bread, one body—AOV1 129, CWBII 579, G 932, GA 193
- The name of God (I will take the cup of life)—CWBII 517, G 80, GA 68
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- Alleluia! Raise the gospel (Alstott/Farrell)—DD (OCP)
- Christ has no body now but yours (Lawton)—DD (GIA)
- Halleluya! We sing your praises—G 626
- I know that my Redeemer lives (Soper)—AOV2 34, CWBII 145, DD (OCP)
- I know that my Redeemer lives! (DUKE STREET)—G 527
- I know that my Redeemer lives (WINCHESTER NEW)—CWBII 144
- Jesus Christ (Toolan)—G 847, GA 527
- This joyful Eastertide—CWB 845
- We walk his way/Ewe, thina—G 517, DD (GIA)
Sending forth
- Alleluia! Raise the gospel (Alstott/Farrell)—DD (OCP)
- Be not afraid (Taizé)—G 516
- By your kingly power, O risen Lord—CWB 633, CWBII 352, GA 352
- Christ is alive, with joy we sing—CWB 639, CWBII 353, GA 365
- Easter Alleluia—CWBII 348, G 537, GA 358
- Go out in the world—AOVNG 54
- I know that my Redeemer lives! (DUKE STREET)—G 527
- Jesus is risen—AOVNG 82
- Sing to the mountains—AOV1 92, CWBII 604, G 519, GA 362
- Siyahamba (We are marching)—AOV2 113, G 594
- Thine be the glory—CWBII 368
- This is the feast of victory—CWBII 371, G 520