Home > > > Music suggestions > 4th Sunday of Easter, Year C
11 May 2025
- All people that on earth do dwell—AOV1 25, CWB 613, CWBII 448, G 853, GA 533
- All the earth proclaim the Lord—AOV1 184, CWB 611, CWBII 447, GA 534
- Alleluia No. 1—AOV1 15, CWBII 350, G 524, GA 360
- Easter Alleluia—CWBII 348, G 537, GA 358
- Centre of my life—AOV2 170, G 679, GA 444
- Christ is alive, with joy we sing—CWB 639, CWBII 353, GA 365
- Christ is here (Walker)—GA 351, DD (OCP)
- Gather as one—AOVNG 48
- Good Shepherd, you know us—CWBII 357
- Praise, my soul, the King of heaven—AOV1 78, CWB 789, CWBII 588, G 613, GA 392
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty—AOV2 132, CWB 792, CWBII 586, G 616, GA 421
- Sing a new song unto the Lord—AOV1 80, CWBII 598, GA 414
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Holy Week and Easter)
- Psalm 99 (100): We are God’s people (Willcock)—CWB 335, GA 59 (refrain II), PFS 54
- Common Psalm 117 (118): Give thanks to the Lord (Boschetti)—CWB 296 (verses 1, 3, 4)
- Common Psalm 117 (118): Let us rejoice (Haugen)—G 81, GA 71
- Common Psalm 117 (118): This is the day (Willcock)—CWB 289a, GA 70, PFS 26
- Seasonal Psalm 117 (118): Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Willcock)—PFS 70
- Seasonal Psalm 117 (118): Let us rejoice (Haugen)—G 81, GA 71
Gospel acclamation (see CWBII 54–61)
John 10:14
Alleluia, Alleluia!
I am the good shepherd, says the Lord;
I know my sheep, and mine know me.
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- Heart of a shepherd (Cooney)—G 786, DD (GIA)
- Like a shepherd—AOV1 160, CWBII 538, GA 467
- Pues si vivimos/If we are living—DD (GIA)
- The Lord is my shepherd—AOV1 26, CWB 830, CWBII 619, GA 506
- The Lord’s my shepherd (CRIMOND)—AOV1 144, CWB 833, CWBII 620, GA 473
- Gift of finest wheat/You satisfy the hungry heart—CWB 685, CWBII 651, G 940, GA 191
- Heart of a shepherd (Cooney)—G 786, DD (GIA)
- In the breaking of the bread (Hurd)—AOV1 58, G 918, DD (OCP)
- Life-giving bread, saving cup—G 926, DD (GIA)
- Lord, to whom shall we go? (Herry)—AOV1 6, CWBII 549, GA 189, DD (Marist Music, free)
- Shepherd me, O God—AOV1 33, CWBII 597, G 35, GA 24
- Shepherd of souls, in love, come feed us—CWB 804, CWBII 596
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- A shepherd I’ll be to you—AOV1 1
- Halleluya! We sing your praises—G 626
- Love is his word—CWB 743, CWBII 553, GA 462
- O flock of Christ—CWBII 345
- The King of love my shepherd is—G 712
Sending forth
- Alleluia! Raise the gospel (Alstott/Farrell)—DD (OCP)
- Be not afraid (Taizé)—G 516
- Christ be near us—AOVNG 21
- Christ is alive, with joy we sing—CWB 639, CWBII 353, GA 365
- Easter Alleluia—CWBII 348, G 537, GA 358
- Go out in the world—AOVNG 54
- Sing to the mountains—AOV1 92, CWBII 604, G 519, GA 362
- Siyahamba (We are marching)—AOV2 113, G 594
- To the ends of the earth—AOVNG 134
- We walk by faith—AOV1 63, CWBII 641, G 680, GA 447