7 November 2021
- All that is hidden—AOV1 127, G 746
- All the earth proclaim the Lord—AOV1 184, CWB 611, CWBII 447, GA 534
- All the ends of the earth (Dufford)—AOV1 76, G 604, GA 420
- As we gather at your table—CWBII 451
- Christ, be our light—AOV2 3, CWBII 540, G 590, GA 404
- Gather us in—AOV1 12, CWBII 501, G 848, GA 526
- Live the Gospel—AOVNG 92
- Lord of creation, to you be all praise—CWB 739, CWBII 543, GA 423
- Lord, whose love in humble service—CWB 741, CWBII 551, G 764
- Send down the fire—AOV2 164, CWBII 389, GA 475, G 557
- Who will speak?—AOV2 102
Responsorial psalm (see also the music recommendations tab)
- Psalm 145 (146): Praise, praise the Lord (Ancell)—CWB 416, GA 83
- Common Psalm 99 (100): We are God’s people (Willcock)—CWB 335, GA 59 (refrain II), PFS 54
- Common Psalm 121 (122): Let us go rejoicing (Willcock)—CWBII 536, GA 72, PFS 60
Gospel acclamation
Matthew 5:3
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Happy the poor in spirit;
the kingdom of heaven is theirs.
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- A Touching Place—GA 469
- A Trusting Psalm—AOV1 115, CWBII 293, GA 455
- Eye has not seen—AOV1 146, G 728, GA 466
- For the world and all it’s people—AOV2 137
- God has chosen me (Farrell)—AOV1 21, CWBII 495, G 761, GA 497
- Open my eyes—AOV1 166, CWBII 582, G 651
- The cry of the poor—AOV1 83, CWBII 618, G 47, GA 36
- The Lord is my shepherd—AOV1 26, CWB 830, CWBII 619, GA 506
- Two small coins (Herry)—DD (Marist Music)
- Be not afraid (Dufford)—AOV1 114, CWBII 653, G 683, GA 449
- Do not be afraid/The Lord is my light—AOV2 73, CWBII 481, GA 28, PFS 40
- Draw near and take—CWB 668, CWBII 482
- In the breaking of the bread (Hurd)—AOV1 58, G 918, DD (OCP)
- Now in this banquet—GA 197
- Prayer of St Francis—AOV2 126, CWB 793, CWBII 555, G 828, GA 490
- Shepherd me, O God—AOV1 33, CWBII 597, G 35, GA 24
- What you have done for me (Alonso)—G 816, DD (GIA)
- Whatever you do (Angotti)—AOVNG 147
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- For the fruits of all creation—CWBII 488, GA 426
- Glory and praise to our God—AOV1 16, CWBII 491, GA 417, G 606
- I will praise the Lord (Joncas)—G 93
- Lift up your hearts—CWBII 539, GA 416
- Let justice roll like a river—GA 515, G 810
- Praise God from whom all blessings flow—AOV1 10, CWB 788, CWBII 394, GA 384
Sending forth
- City of God—AOV1 57, CWBII 453, G 766, GA 498
- Love is his word—CWB 743, CWBII 553, GA 462
- Now thank we all our God—AOV1 189, CWB 755, CWBII 561, G 636, GA 425
- Sing a new Church (Dufner)—G 743, DD (OCP)
- Sing of the Lord’s goodness—AOV1 131, CWBII 601, G 610, GA 413
- Take the word of God with you—CWBII 607, GA 494, DD (OCP)
- There’s a wideness in God’s mercy—CWB 838, CWBII 624, G 644
- What does the Lord require—CWBII 642
- Whatsoever you do—CWB 860