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21 November 2021
- All creatures of our God and King—CWB 618, CWBII 446, G 611, GA 395
- All glory, laud and honour—CWB 229, CWBII 303, G 498, GA 309
- All people that on earth do dwell—AOV1 25, CWB 613, CWBII 448, G 853, GA 533
- All the ends of the earth (Dufford)—AOV1 76, G 604, GA 420
- All the earth proclaim the Lord—AOV1 184, CWB 611, CWBII 447, GA 534
- Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!—AOV1 191, CWB 619, CWBII 449, G 949, GA 371
- Christ is the King! O friends rejoice—CWB 641, CWBII 398, GA 389
- Glorious in majesty—CWB 688, CWBII 374, GA 370
- Hail, Redeemer, King divine!—CWB 703, CWBII 400, G 390
- In faith and hope and love—CWB 722, CWBII 520, GA 442
- O Christ the great foundation—CWBII 565, GA 483
- Praise, my soul, the King of heaven—AOV1 78, CWB 789, CWBII 588, G 613, GA 392
- Rejoice! The Lord is King—CWB 799, CWBII 377
- The King of glory—G 572
- This is the feast of victory—CWBII 371, G 520
Responsorial psalm (see also the music recommendations tab)
- Psalm 92 (93): The Lord is King: he is robed in majesty (Murray)—CWB 449
Gospel acclamation (See Overview)
Mark 11:9, 10
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Blessed is he who inherits the kingdom of David our Father;
blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- Blessed be our God (Take this bread)—AOVNG 13
- Christians, let us love one another—CWB 648, CWBII 469, GA 206
- How rich are the depths of God (Willcock)—AOV2 79, CWB 795, CWBII 505, GA 81
- I have come to bear witness (Herry)—DD (Marist Music)
- Let all mortal flesh keep silence—CWBII 533, G 619, GA 190
- We have no other boast—CWBII 502, GA 491
- What sort of King (Manibusan)—DD (OCP)
- Do not be afraid/The Lord is my light—AOV2 73, CWBII 481, GA 28, PFS 40
- Draw near and take—CWB 668, CWBII 482
- How rich are the depths of God (Willcock)—AOV2 79, CWB 795, CWBII 505, GA 81
- I am the bread of life (Kaczmarek)—AOVNG 72
- I am the bread of life (Toolan)—AOV1 49, CWB 718, CWBII 508, G 945, GA 204
- I receive the living God—G 916, DD (OCP)
- Lord, to whom shall we go? (Herry)—AOV1 6, CWBII 549, GA 189, DD (Marist Music, free)
- Remembrance (Maher)—DD (OCP)
- Taste and see (Dean)—CWBII 609, GA 34
- Take and eat (Joncas)—CWBII 608, G 950, GA 198
- Take and eat (Russell)—AOV2 162, CWBII 117
- Taste and see God’s love (Wood)—GA 203
- Unless a grain of wheat—AOV1 35, CWBII 635, G 783, GA 500
- We remember how you loved us—AOV1 81, GA 446
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- Glory be to God in heaven—CWB 686, GA 422
- How great thou art—AOV1 94, CWBII 577, G 578
- How great is our God—AOVNG 70
- Jesus Christ, yesterday, today and forever—G 847, GA 527, DD (OCP)
- Lift up your hearts—CWBII 539, GA 416
- Praise God from whom all blessings flow—AOV1 10, CWB 788, CWBII 394, GA 384
Sending forth
- All creatures of our God and King—CWB 618, CWBII 446, G 611, GA 395
- All glory, laud and honour—CWB 229, CWBII 303, G 498, GA 309
- All people that on earth do dwell—AOV1 25, CWB 613, CWBII 448, G 853, GA 533
- All the ends of the earth (Dufford)—AOV1 76, G 604, GA 420
- All the earth proclaim the Lord—AOV1 184, CWB 611, CWBII 447, GA 534
- Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!—AOV1 191, CWB 619, CWBII 449, G 949, GA 371
- As a fire is meant for burning—G 744, GA 481, DD (GIA)
- Christ is the King! O friends rejoice—CWB 641, CWBII 398, GA 389
- Christ, our Lord, the Prince of ages—CWB 644, CWBII 399
- Glorious in majesty—CWB 688, CWBII 374, GA 370
- Glory and praise to our God—AOV1 16, CWBII 491, GA 417, G 606
- Go out in the world—AOVNG 54
- Hail, Redeemer, King divine!—CWB 703, CWBII 400, G 390
- Lord, you give the great commission—CWBII 308, G 544, GA 313
- Now thank we all our God—AOV1 189, CWB 755, CWBII 561, G 636, GA 425
- O Christ the great foundation—CWBII 565, GA 483
- Praise, my soul, the King of heaven—AOV1 78, CWB 789, CWBII 588, G 613, GA 392
- Rejoice! The Lord is King—CWB 799, CWBII 377
- The Church’s one foundation—CWB 819, CWBII 614, GA 484
- Though the mountains may fall—AOV1 182, G 689, GA 453