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Prayer of the faithful (Archive)

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

30 October 2022


We offer our prayers of petition while trusting in God’s love and mercy for us all.


We pray for our Church in the communion of all saints. May our shared baptism be the source of our faith as we acknowledge their goodness and strive to live by their example.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

In this month of November, we remember and continue to pray for all the faithful departed. May they find peace in eternal life and be united with the communion of saints.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

In these final weeks of the academic year, we pray for all students who face exams. May they be blessed with results that reward their studies and efforts.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for our faith community. May we, like Zacchaeus, rejoice that the Lord has come to our home today.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for …

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for all who are sick in our parish and for all who have asked for our prayers.
We pray for those who have died recently and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they share in the eternal life that Jesus promised.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.


God of unconditional love, hear our prayers of petition. We are thankful that you accept us completely, and we ask that you continue to shower us with your grace through Christ, our Lord.

Prayer of the faithful (Archive)
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