15 January 2023
- All are welcome—CWBII 535, G 850
- All the ends of the earth (Dufford)—AOV1 76, G 604, GA 420
- All you nations, sing out your joy—CWB 616, CWBII 347, GA 353
- Baptised in water—G 903, GA 179, CWBII 99
- Celebrate—AOV1 44
- Christ is the world’s light—CWB 643, CWBII 467
- Come down, O Love divine—AOV1 118, CWB 653, CWBII 381, G 556, GA 375
- Come to the water (Andersen)—AOV1 74, CWBII 473, GA 403
- Come to the water (Foley)—AOVNG 34, G 584, GA 403
- Send down the fire—AOV2 164, CWBII 389, GA 475, G 557
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Ordinary Time)
- Psalm 39 (40): Here I am, Lord (Boschetti)—CWB 352
- Psalm 39 (40): Here I am (Alonso)—G 48, DD (GIA)
- Psalm 39 (40): Here I am (Cooney)—G 49
- Psalm 39 (40): Here I am (Herry)—DD (Marist Music)
- Common Psalm 18 (19): Lord, you have the words (Thomas)—GA 21
- Common Psalm 18 (19): Lord, you have the words (Willcock)—PFS 38
- Common Psalm 102 (103): The Lord is kind and merciful (Haugen)—G 75, DD (GIA)
- Common Psalm 102 (103): The Lord is kind and merciful (Herry)—DD (Marist Music)
- Common Psalm 102 (103): The Lord is kind and merciful (Willcock)—GA 61, PFS 56
Gospel acclamation
John 1:14–12
Alleluia, Alleluia!
The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us.
He enabled those who accepted him
to become the children of God.
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- Behold, I make all things new—AOV2 85
- O breathe on me, O breath of God—CWB 758, CWBII 564, G 902, GA 432
- Open my eyes—AOV1 166, CWBII 582, G 651
- Servant Song—AOV2 169, CWBII 461, G 751, GA 487
- Come to the water (Andersen)—AOV1 74, CWBII 473, GA 403
- Come to the water (Foley)—AOVNG 34, G 584, GA 403
- Here I am, Lord—AOV1 90, CWBII 518, G 777, GA 496
- Prayer of St Francis—AOV2 126, CWB 793, CWBII 555, G 828, GA 490
- Take and eat (Joncas)—CWBII 608, G 950, GA 198
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- Holy Spirit, come now (Manibusan)—AOVNG 68
- Let heaven rejoice—AOV1 124
- My peace—AOV2 96, CWBII 558, GA 518
- My witness you’ll be—AOVNG 98
- Send out your Spirit (Manibusan)—DD (OCP)
Sending forth
- Lift up your hearts—CWBII 539, GA 416
- Praise to you, O Christ, our Saviour—AOV1 28, CWBII 587, G 596, GA 407
- The voice of God—CWB 835, CWBII 621, GA 476
- Thus says the Lord of hosts—CWBII 629