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17 April 2025
- An upper room—CWB 620, CWBII 309, GA 187
- At the supper, Christ the Lord—CWBII 313
- Praise to you, O Christ, our Saviour—AOV1 28, CWBII 587, G 596, GA 407
- The glory of the cross we sing—CWBII 310
- Where there is charity and love—CWB 863, CWBII 638, GA 323
- Where charity and love prevail—G 706
- In faith and hope and love—CWB 722, CWBII 520, GA 442
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Holy Week and Easter)
- Psalm 115 (116): Our blessing cup (Bonighton)—GA 69
- Psalm 115 (116): Our blessing-cup (Haugen)—G 78
- Psalm 115 (116): Our blessing cup (Mews)—CWB 245
- Psalm 115 (116): The cup we bless (Willcock)—GA 67, DD (OCP)
Gospel acclamation (see also CWBII)
Praise and honour to you, Lord, Jesus, Christ!
I give you a new commandment:
love one another as I have loved you.
Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
Washing of the feet
- A new commandment—CWB 615, CWBII 443, GA 318
- As I have done for you (Schutte)—DD (OCP)
- At the supper, Christ the Lord—CWBII 313
- God is forgiveness (Taizé)—AOVNG 55, G 959
- Jesu, Jesu—G 505
- Mandatum (Latona)—DD (GIA)
- Servant Song—AOV2 169, CWBII 461, G 751, GA 487
- So you must do (Haugen)—G 507, DD (GIA)
- Ubi caritas (Taizé)—CWBII 633, 634, GA 324
- Ubi caritas (chant)—CWBII 639, GA 319
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- Christians, let us love one another—CWB 648, CWBII 469, GA 206
- Stay with me (Taizé)—AOV2 88, CWBII 317, GA 325
- This body will be given for you—CWB 839, GA 387
- This is my will—CWB 842, CWBII 626, GA 465
- Ubi caritas (chant)—CWBII 639, GA 319
- Ubi caritas (Taizé)—CWBII 633, 634, GA 324
- Wait for the Lord (Taizé)—CWBII 251, G 406, GA 283
- We have no other boast—CWBII 502, GA 491
- An upper room—CWB 620, CWBII 309, GA 187
- Bread of life, hope of the world—AOV1 164, CWBII 459, GA 199
- Eat this bread (Taizé)—AOV1 125, CWBII 484, G 941, GA 205
- Gift of finest wheat/You satisfy the hungry heart—CWB 685, CWBII 651, G 940, GA 191
- In perfect charity—AOV1 142
- In remembrance of you—CWBII 359, GA 355
- No greater love—CWBII 622, G 701, GA 460
- One bread, one body—AOV1 129, CWBII 579, G 932, GA 193
- Remain in my love—AOV1 159
- Song of the Lord’s Supper—CWBII 311, GA 322
- Take and eat (Russell)—AOV2 162, CWBII 117
- Take and eat (Joncas)—CWBII 608, G 950, GA 198
Transfer of the Eucharist
- Pange lingua/Sing my tongue—CWB 252, CWBII 315 or 316, G 509, GA 320
The watch
- Stay with me (Taizé)—AOV2 88, CWBII 317, GA 325