22 June 2025
- Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!—AOV1 191, CWB 619, CWBII 449, G 949, GA 371
- By your kingly power, O risen Lord—CWB 633, CWBII 352, GA 352
- Gather your people—AOV1 71, CWBII 490, G 837, GA 530
- Let all mortal flesh keep silence—CWBII 533, G 619, GA 190
- Love is his word—CWB 743, CWBII 553, GA 462
- Glory and praise to our God—AOV1 16, CWBII 491, GA 417, G 606
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Ordinary Time)
- Psalm 109 (110): You are a priest forever in the line of Melchizesek (Willcock)—CWB 114b
Optional Sequence
- Laud, O Zion (De Bruyn)—DD (OCP)
- Lauda, Sion (plainchant)—DD (Corpus Christi Watershed, free)
- Come, behold, the bread of angels (Praise, O Zion)—CWBII 396a
- See, the bread of angels given (Ecce panis angelorum)—CWBII 395
Gospel acclamation
John 6:51–52
Alleluia, Alleluia!
I am the living bread from heaven, says the Lord;
whoever eats this bread will live for ever.
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- Christians, let us love one another—CWB 648, CWBII 469, GA 206
- Christ is here (Walker)—GA 351, DD (OCP)
- Eat this bread (Taizé)—AOV1 125, CWBII 484, G 941, GA 205
- God with hidden majesty (Adoro te devote)—GA 388
- I receive the living God—G 916, DD (OCP)
- Jesus, you are bread for us—AOV1 42, CWBII 116
- Our Supper Invitation—AOV1 185, GA 202
- Song of the Lord’s Supper—CWBII 311, GA 322
- Taste and see God’s love (Wood)—GA 203
- This body will be given for you—CWB 839, GA 387
- Bread broken, wine shared—AOV2 155
- Bread for the world broken—AOV1 60
- Bread of life, hope of the world—AOV1 164, CWBII 459, GA 199
- Feed us now, bread of life (Mann)—AOV2 93
- Gift of finest wheat/You satisfy the hungry heart—CWB 685, CWBII 651, G 940, GA 191
- I am the bread of life (Kaczmarek)—AOVNG 72
- I am the bread of life (Toolan)—AOV1 49, CWB 718, CWBII 508, G 945, GA 204
- In the breaking of the bread (Hurd)—AOV1 58, G 918, DD (OCP)
- Make of our hands a throne (Warner)—DD (GIA)
- Our Supper Invitation—AOV1 185, GA 202
- Taste and see (Dean)—CWBII 609, GA 34
- Taste and see (Moore)—G 930, DD (GIA)
- Taste and see (Robinson)—AOV1 88
- Taste and see (Willcock)—CWBII 610, GA 33, PFS 46
- Taste and see God’s love (Wood)—GA 203
- Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Herry)—CWBII 610, DD (Marist Music, free)
- Taste and see/Drink in the richness (Wood)—GA 35
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- For the fruits of all creation—CWBII 488, GA 426
- Life-giving bread, saving cup—G 926, DD (GIA)
- Now let us from this table rise—CWB 753, CWBII 560
- O God, beyond all praising—CWBII 566
- One bread, one body—AOV1 129, CWBII 579, G 932, GA 193
- Taste and see (Hurd)—AOV1 67
Sending forth
- Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!—AOV1 191, CWB 619, CWBII 449, G 949, GA 371
- Love is his word—CWB 743, CWBII 553, GA 462
- Now thank we all our God—AOV1 189, CWB 755, CWBII 561, G 636, GA 425
- Take the word of God with you—CWBII 607, GA 494, DD (OCP)