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Walking in the Spirit: Plenary Council prayer campaign

PUBLISHED 13 April 2022

The people of God are invited to make a prayerful journey towards the Second Assembly of the Plenary Council through the Walking in the Spirit prayer campaign. Walking in the Spirit begins on Easter Sunday, 17 April, and runs until the Second Assembly, which opens on Sunday 3 July.

The entire Catholic community in Australia is praying for guidance and wisdom from the Holy Spirit in this important time for our Church as we discern where God is calling us to be. To help us in this time of prayerful discernment, a collection of resources has been produced for use by individuals, families, schools, parishes and other Catholic communities.

The Walking in the Spirit resources include:

  • a bulletin notice
  • general intercessions
  • Plenary Council prayers
  • prayers to the Holy Spirit
  • Prayers to Our Lady
  • the Litany of St Joseph
  • prayers in the spirit of Mary MacKillop
  • prayers from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council
  • prayer experiences focused on lectio divina, the Jesus prayer and the examen
  • PowerPoint templates.

You can use these resources to encourage your community to engage in the Walking in the Spirit pilgrimage of prayer. Involve your parish and school. And don’t forget to invite your aged and frail to join the pilgrimage with their prayers.

Faith communities and groups across Australia are encouraged to use these prayers in a variety of ways, including:

  • family prayer
  • group prayer and devotion
  • in the liturgy, where appropriate
  • novenas
  • personal prayer
  • prayer in the classroom
  • prayer before meetings
  • praying with the saints
  • praying the Rosary.

From The Summit Online

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