First reading
Zephaniah 2:3, 3:12–13
In your midst I will leave a humble and lowly people.
Responsorial psalm
Psalm 145(146):6–10
R. Happy the poor in spirit; the kingdom of heaven is theirs.
Second reading
1 Corinthians 1:26–31
God chose what is foolish by human reckoning, to shame the wise.
Gospel acclamation
Matthew 5:12
Rejoice and be glad; your reward will be great in heaven.
Matthew 5:1–12a
How happy are the poor in spirit.
Images from the Word
- Poor in spirit
- Pure in heart
- Rejoice and be glad
- A humble and lowly people
- Shame the wise
Liturgical notes
Therefore, attention should be paid to what is determined by this General Instruction and the traditional practice of the Roman Rite and to what serves the common spiritual good of the People of God, rather than private inclination or arbitrary choice.
A common posture, to be observed by all participants, is a sign of the unity of the members of the Christian community gathered for the sacred Liturgy: it both expresses and fosters the intention and spiritual attitude.
—General Instruction of the Roman Missal, §42
How sensitive is our liturgical assembly to the significance of the gestures we share during the celebration? When it comes to singing, we are very aware of our need to sing together—singing at our own tempo is not appropriate. Regarding the gestures we share, though, we are not that sensitive—some may choose to stand, while others kneel and others sit during parts of the Mass. Are we not all called to share the same posture to express and foster our unity?
‘Save us, O Lord our God! And gather us from the nations, to give thanks to your holy name, and make it our glory to praise you.’
—entrance antiphon