First reading
1 Kings 19:16, 19–21
Elisha leaves the plough to follow Elijah.
Responsorial psalm
Psalm 15(16):1–2, 5, 7–11
R. You are my inheritance, O Lord.
Second reading
Galatians 5:1, 13–18
When Christ freed us, he meant us to remain free.
Gospel acclamation
1 Samuel 3:9; John 6:68c
Speak, O Lord, your servant is listening; you have the words of everlasting life.
Luke 9:51–62
Jesus sets out for Jerusalem.
Images from the Word
- Messengers
- Follow me
- Looks back
- His servant
- Serve
Liturgical notes
At the beginning of Mass:
The priest stands at the chair and, together with the whole gathering, makes the Sign of the Cross. Then he signifies the presence of the Lord to the community gathered there by means of the Greeting. By this greeting and the people’s response, the mystery of the Church gathered together is made manifest.
—General Instruction of the Roman Missal, §50
As we gather for Mass, we sign ourselves with the sign of the cross and acknowledge Christ’s presence among us, which is made possible by our coming together. We exercise our ministry of being God’s priestly people together, and we each contribute our special gift of faith. Yet, Christ relies on us to actually come together so that he can truly be present among us.
‘O God, who graciously accomplish the effects of your mysteries, grant, we pray, that the deeds by which we serve you may be worthy of these sacred gifts.’
—prayer over the offerings