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18 December 2022
- Advent Litany—CWBII 253, GA 279
- Emmanuel (Angrisano)—DD (OCP)
- Come Lord Jesus (Connolly)—DD (AOV, Year of Grace collection)
- Come, O long expected Jesus—CWB 657, CWBII 232
- Come to set us free—AOV1 39, CWBII 233, GA 277
- Eternal God who made the stars—CWBII 236a
- Grant to us, O Lord—CWB 698, CWBII 291, GA 303
- O come, O come, Emmanuel—AOV1 174, CWB 763, CWBII 242, G 395, GA 285
- Open the heavens—AOV2 163, CWBII 243
- The coming of our Lord—CWBII 248
- Wake, O wake, and sleep no longer—GA 282
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Advent)
- Psalm 23 (24): Let the Lord enter (Smith)—CWB 181
- Seasonal Psalm 24 (25): To you, O Lord (Haugen)—G 39
- Seasonal Psalm 24 (25): To you, O Lord (Pishner)—G 40
- Seasonal Psalm 24 (25): To you, O Lord (Thomson)—CWB 168
- Seasonal Psalm 24 (25): To you, O Lord (Willcock)—CWBII 632, GA 26, PFS 2
- Seasonal Psalm 84 (85): Lord, let us see your kindness (Haugen)—G 62, GA 49
- Seasonal Psalm 84 (85): Lord, let us see your kindness (Willcock)—PFS 4
- Seasonal Psalm 84 (85): Lord, show us your mercy and love (Briggs)—CWB 169
Gospel acclamation
Matthew 1:23
Alleluia, Alleluia!
A virgin will give birth to a son;
His name will be Emmanuel: God is with us.
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- God’s call (Dyball)—DD (Liturgical Song)
- Holy Virgin, by God’s decree—CWBII 410
- Immaculate Mary—CWBII 416
- Like a child rests—AOV1 85
- The angel Gabriel—CWB 815, CWBII 247
- You heavens, sprinkle dew (Rorate caeli)—CWBII 254
- I will lift my eyes (Alonso)—DD (GIA)
- In the breaking of the bread (Hurd)—AOV1 58, G 918, DD (OCP)
- Ubi caritas (Taizé)—CWBII 633, 634, GA 324
- Where there is charity and love—CWB 863, CWBII 638, GA 323
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- Emmanuel—AOVNG 40
- Hail Mary: gentle woman—G 889, GA 544, DD (OCP)
- Open the heavens—AOV2 163, CWBII 243
- In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful (Taizé)—AOV2 109, CWBII 522, G 639, GA 429
- Sub tuum praesidium—CWBII 419
Sending forth
- Advent Litany—CWBII 253, GA 279
- Canticle of the Turning (Cooney)—G 622, DD (GIA)
- Come Lord Jesus (Connolly)—DD (AOV, Year of Grace collection)
- Come, O long expected Jesus—CWB 657, CWBII 232
- Come to set us free—AOV1 39, CWBII 233, GA 277
- Emmanuel (Angrisano)—DD (OCP)
- Grant to us, O Lord—CWB 698, CWBII 291, GA 303
- O come, O come, Emmanuel—AOV1 174, CWB 763, CWBII 242, G 395, GA 285
- Tell out, my soul—CWBII 213, GA 550
- The coming of our Lord—CWBII 248
- Wake, O wake, and sleep no longer—GA 282