16 October 2022
- Holy God, we praise your name—AOV2 129, CWB 710, CWBII 504, G 615, GA 411
- Jesus calls us here to meet him—CWBII 524, GA 529
- Love is his word—CWB 743, CWBII 553, GA 462
- O God, our help in ages past—AOV1 175, CWB 767, CWBII 568, G 688, GA 459
- O God, your people gather—CWBII 574
- Seek, O seek the Lord—CWB 802, CWBII 595, GA 211
- There’s a Spirit in the air—CWBII 623
- Word of God, come down on earth—CWBII 644
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Ordinary Time)
- Psalm 120 (121): Our help comes from the Lord (Joncas)—G 83
- Psalm 120 (121): Our help is from the Lord who made heaven and earth (Murray/Black)—CWB 435
- Common Psalm 129 (130): With the Lord, there is mercy (Gelineau)—GA 77
- Common Psalm 129 (130): With the Lord, there is mercy (Haugen)—G 87
- Common Psalm 129 (130): With the Lord, there is mercy (Thomas)—GA 76
- Common Psalm 129 (130): With the Lord, there is mercy (Willcock)—PFS 18
- Common Psalm 144 (145): I will praise your name (Alonso)—in The Lyric Psalter: Year C (ship from GIA)
- Common Psalm 144 (145): I will praise your name (Willcock)—CWB 337, GA 82, PFS 58
Gospel acclamation
Hebrews 4:12
Alleluia, Alleluia!
The word of God is living and active;
it probes the thoughts and motives of our heart.
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- Micah’s Theme—CWB 748, GA 486
- O breathe on me, O breath of God—CWB 758, CWBII 564, G 902, GA 432
- O Lord, hear my prayer (Taizé)—AOV1 17, GA 431
- O Lord Jesus, Marrkapmirr—AOV2 119
- Seek ye first—AOV1 48, CWBII 594, GA 456, G 658
- Song for Human Rights—AOV2 135, CWBII 606
- There is a longing—CWBII 82
- God of mercy (Manalo)—DD (OCP)
- Here I am, Lord—AOV1 90, CWBII 518, G 777, GA 496
- I will lift my eyes (Alonso)—DD (GIA)
- Jesus calls us to his table—CWBII 115
- Shelter me, O God—AOV1 140, G 717, GA 230
- Table of plenty—AOV2 20, DD (OCP)
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- God has chosen me (Farrell)—AOV1 21, CWBII 495, G 761, GA 497
- Holy God, we praise your name—AOV2 129, CWB 710, CWBII 504, G 615, GA 411
- Praise God from whom all blessings flow—AOV1 10, CWB 788, CWBII 394, GA 384
- Priestly people, sing your praise—CWBII 590
Sending forth
- Glory and praise to our God—AOV1 16, CWBII 491, GA 417, G 606
- Go make of all disciples—CWBII 493
- Lord, you give the great commission—CWBII 308, G 544, GA 313
- Send down the fire—AOV2 164, CWBII 389, GA 475, G 557
- Take the word of God with you—CWBII 607, GA 494, DD (OCP)
- Tell out, my soul—CWBII 213, GA 550
- What does the Lord require—CWBII 642