18 September 2022
- All the earth proclaim the Lord—AOV1 184, CWB 611, CWBII 447, GA 534
- Christ, be our light—AOV2 3, CWBII 540, G 590, GA 404
- Christ is alive, with joy we sing—CWB 639, CWBII 353, GA 365
- Come to set us free—AOV1 39, CWBII 233, GA 277
- Gather us in—AOV1 12, CWBII 501, G 848, GA 526
- Out of darkness—AOV1 134, GA 504
- What does the Lord require—CWBII 642
- Whatsoever you do—CWB 860
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Ordinary Time)
- Psalm 112 (113): Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor (Jones)—CWB 423
- Common Psalm 24 (25): To you, O Lord (Haugen)—G 39
- Common Psalm 24 (25): To you, O Lord (Pishner)—G 40
- Common Psalm 24 (25): To you, O Lord (Willcock)—CWBII 632, GA 26, PFS 2
- Common Psalm 50 (51): Be merciful, O Lord (Haugen)—G 51
- Common Psalm 50 (51): Be merciful, O Lord (Pishner)—G 52
- Common Psalm 50 (51): Be merciful, O Lord (Willcock)—GA 41, PFS 14
Gospel acclamation
2 Corinthians 8:9
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Jesus Christ was rich but he became poor,
to make you rich out of his poverty.
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- A Touching Place—GA 469
- Come to the water (Andersen)—AOV1 74, CWBII 473, GA 403
- Come to the water (Foley)—AOVNG 34, G 584, GA 403
- The Beatitudes (Kearney)—CWB 817, CWBII 456, GA 489
- The cry of the poor—AOV1 83, CWBII 618, G 47, GA 36
- The kingdom of God—CWBII 616, G 736
- Gift of finest wheat/You satisfy the hungry heart—CWB 685, CWBII 651, G 940, GA 191
- God of mercy (Manalo)—DD (OCP)
- Lord, to whom shall we go? (Herry)—AOV1 6, CWBII 549, GA 189, DD (Marist Music, free)
- Song of the Lord’s Supper—CWBII 311, GA 322
- What you have done for me (Alonso)—G 816, DD (GIA)
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty—AOV2 132, CWB 792, CWBII 586, G 616, GA 421
- Praise to you, O Christ, our Saviour—AOV1 28, CWBII 587, G 596, GA 407
- Shine, Jesus, shine!—AOV2 59, CWBII 550
Sending forth
- Be thou my vision—AOV1 9, CWBII 455
- God, whose purpose is to kindle—CWBII 500
- Keep in mind—AOV1 180, CWB 730, CWBII 530, G 646
- Praise to you, O Christ, our Saviour—AOV1 28, CWBII 587, G 596, GA 407
- Praise, my soul, the King of heaven—AOV1 78, CWB 789, CWBII 588, G 613, GA 392
- Send down the fire—AOV2 164, CWBII 389, GA 475, G 557
- Song for Human Rights—AOV2 135, CWBII 606