Home > > > Music suggestions > 2nd Sunday of Lent, Year C
16 March 2025
- Christ, be our light—AOV2 3, CWBII 540, G 590, GA 404
- Christ is the world’s light—CWB 643, CWBII 467
- City of God—AOV1 57, CWBII 453, G 766, GA 498
- God of mercy and compassion—CWB 692, CWBII 290, GA 302
- O God, our help in ages past—AOV1 175, CWB 767, CWBII 568, G 688, GA 459
- Praise to you, O Christ, our Saviour—AOV1 28, CWBII 587, G 596, GA 407
- The glory of these forty days—CWB 825, CWBII 301, G 481
- There’s a wideness in God’s mercy—CWB 838, CWBII 624, G 644
- ’Tis good, Lord, to be here—CWBII 435
- Tree of life (Haugen)—CWBII 300, G 475, GA 307
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Lent)
Please use the verses of the day.
- Psalm 26 (27): The Lord is my light (Alonso)—in The Lyric Psalter: Year C (ship from GIA)
- Psalm 26 (27): The Lord is my light (Ancell)—GA 27
- Psalm 26 (27): The Lord is my light (Willcock)—CWBII 481 (refrain 2), GA 28 (refrain II), PFS 40
- Seasonal Psalm 90 (91): Be with me, Lord (Willcock)—PFS 16
- Seasonal Psalm 90 (91): Be with me, Lord (Haugen)—CWB 627, CWBII 286, G 65, GA 53
Lenten gospel acclamation (see CWBII 54–61)
Matthew 17:5
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory!
From the shining cloud the Father’s voice is heard:
this is my beloved Son, hear him.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory!
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- All that is hidden—AOV1 127, G 746
- Bread of life (Fisher)—DD (OCP)
- A Trusting Psalm—AOV1 115, CWBII 293, GA 455
- God of Abraham—AOV1 137, GA 306
- I want to walk as a child of the light—CWBII 514, G 593
- I will choose Christ—AOVNG 76, G 802
- Open my eyes—AOV1 166, CWBII 582, G 651
- O raise your eyes on high and see—CWBII 434
- Out of darkness—AOV1 134, GA 504
- Seek, O seek the Lord—CWB 802, CWBII 595, GA 211
- We remember how you loved us—AOV1 81, GA 446
- Jesus, bread of life—AOVNG 80
- Merciful God (Alonso)—G 489, DD (GIA)
- Return to God—CWBII 298, G 478, GA 304
- Shelter me, O God—AOV1 140, G 717, GA 230
- We remember how you loved us—AOV1 81, GA 446
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- Beyond the days (Manalo)—DD (OCP)
- From ashes to the living font—CWBII 289, G 474
- O God, beyond all praising—CWBII 566
- Praise to you, O Christ, our Saviour—AOV1 28, CWBII 587, G 596, GA 407
- Shine, Jesus, shine!—AOV2 59, CWBII 550
- Tend the ground (Stephan)—DD (OCP)
Sending forth
- All that is hidden—AOV1 127, G 746
- A new heart for a new world (Create a new heart)—AOV1 158, CWBII 477, GA 438
- Be thou my vision—AOV1 9, CWBII 455
- Glory and praise to our God—AOV1 16, CWBII 491, GA 417, G 606
- Go make a difference—AOVNG 52, DD (OCP)
- Open the heavens—AOV2 163, CWBII 243
- There’s a wideness in God’s mercy—CWB 838, CWBII 624, G 644