31 July 2022
- Baptised in water—G 903, GA 179, CWBII 99
- Be thou my vision—AOV1 9, CWBII 455
- Christ, be our light—AOV2 3, CWBII 540, G 590, GA 404
- Come to the feast—AOV1 151, G 585, GA 400
- In labour all creation groans—AOV2 40, CWBII 521
- Love is his word—CWB 743, CWBII 553, GA 462
- O God, our help in ages past—AOV1 175, CWB 767, CWBII 568, G 688, GA 459
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Ordinary Time)
- Psalm 89 (90): In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge (Isele)—CWB 402
- Common Psalm 94 (95): If today you hear his voice (Soper)—DD (OCP)
- Common Psalm 94 (95): If today you hear God’s voice (Wood)—GA 55
- Common Psalm 94 (95): If today you hear his voice (Willcock)—PFS 50
Gospel acclamation
Matthew 5:3
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Happy the poor in spirit;
the kingdom of heaven is theirs!
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- Abundant life—G 811, DD (GIA)
- Act justly (Farrell)—DD (OCP)
- Act justly—AOV1 50
- Centre of my life—AOV2 170, G 679, GA 444
- Eat this bread (Taizé)—AOV1 125, CWBII 484, G 941, GA 205
- Eye has not seen—AOV1 146, G 728, GA 466
- If we have died to ourselves in Jesus—CWBII 30, GA 87
- In every age—AOVNG 77, G 716, DD (OCP)
- Micah’s Theme—CWB 748, GA 486
- O breathe on me, O breath of God—CWB 758, CWBII 564, G 902, GA 432
- Seek, O seek the Lord—CWB 802, CWBII 595, GA 211
- Seek ye first—AOV1 48, CWBII 594, GA 456, G 658
- Set your heart on the higher gifts (Warner)—DD (WLP)
- The cry of the poor—AOV1 83, CWBII 618, G 47, GA 36
- The Beatitudes (Kearney)—CWB 817, CWBII 456, GA 489
- Come to the water (Andersen)—AOV1 74, CWBII 473, GA 403
- How rich are the depths of God (Willcock)—AOV2 79, CWB 795, CWBII 505, GA 81
- I am the bread of life (Kaczmarek)—AOVNG 72
- I am the bread of life (Toolan)—AOV1 49, CWB 718, CWBII 508, G 945, GA 204
- Our blessing cup (Hurd)—AOV1 7
- Table of plenty—AOV2 20, DD (OCP)
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- A Trusting Psalm—AOV1 115, CWBII 293, GA 455
- Centre of my life—AOV2 170, G 679, GA 444
- Jesus Christ, you are my life—CWBII 523
Sending forth
- Bring forth the kingdom—AOV2 4, CWBII 647, G 734, GA 478
- In Christ there is no east or west—CWBII 519, G 832
- Lord, you give the great commission—CWBII 308, G 544, GA 313
- The Church of Christ, in every age—CWB 818, CWBII 613
- What does the Lord require—CWBII 642