28 August 2022
- All are welcome—CWBII 535, G 850
- An upper room—CWB 620, CWBII 309, GA 187
- As we gather at your table—CWBII 451
- Church of God—CWB 652, CWBII 471, GA 480
- Come to the feast—AOV1 151, G 585, GA 400
- Gather as one—AOVNG 48
- Gather us in—AOV1 12, CWBII 501, G 848, GA 526
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Ordinary Time)
- Psalm 67 (68): God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor (Boschetti/Murray)—CWB 414
- Psalm 67 (68): You have made a home for the poor (Bonighton)—GA 46
- Common Psalm 84 (85): Lord, let us see your kindness (Haugen)—G 62, GA 49
- Common Psalm 84 (85): Lord, let us see your kindness (Willcock)—PFS 4
Gospel acclamation
Matthew 11:29ab
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Take my yoke upon you;
learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart.
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- Act justly (Farrell)—DD (OCP)
- Act justly—AOV1 50
- As gentle as silence—CWB 621, CWBII 580, GA 470
- Come as you are—AOV1 31
- Come to me (Joncas)—GA 471, G 731
- Come to me (Norbert)—AOV1 37, CWB 660, GA 228
- Come to me, all you who labour—CWBII 470
- Come to the water (Foley)—AOVNG 34, G 584, GA 403
- Micah’s Theme—CWB 748, GA 486
- Servant Song—AOV2 169, CWBII 461, G 751, GA 487
- As I have done for you (Schutte)—DD (OCP)
- Centre of my life—AOV2 170, G 679, GA 444
- In perfect charity—AOV1 142
- Jesus, come! For we invite you—CWBII 527
- Like a shepherd—AOV1 160, CWBII 538, GA 467
- Prayer of St Francis—AOV2 126, CWB 793, CWBII 555, G 828, GA 490
- Make of our hands a throne (Warner)—DD (GIA)
- One bread, one body—AOV1 129, CWBII 579, G 932, GA 193
- Our blessing cup (Hurd)—AOV1 7
- Our Supper Invitation—AOV1 185, GA 202
- So you must do (Haugen)—G 507, DD (GIA)
- Table of plenty—AOV2 20, DD (OCP)
- What you have done for me (Alonso)—G 816, DD (GIA)
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- Holy God, we praise your name—AOV2 129, CWB 710, CWBII 504, G 615, GA 411
- How blessed is this place, O Lord—CWB 713, CWBII 506
- Sing to God with joy and gladness—AOV2 39, CWBII 603
- Taste and see (Dean)—CWBII 609, GA 34
- Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Herry)—CWBII 610, DD (Marist Music, free)
- Taste and see (Hurd)—AOV1 67
- Taste and see (Moore)—G 930, DD (GIA)
- Taste and see (Robinson)—AOV1 88
- Taste and see (Willcock)—CWBII 610, GA 33, PFS 46
Sending forth
- Bring forth the kingdom—AOV2 4, CWBII 647, G 734, GA 478
- Go make a difference—AOVNG 52, DD (OCP)
- Lord, whose love in humble service—CWB 741, CWBII 551, G 764
- Tell out, my soul—CWBII 213, GA 550
- Whatsoever you do—CWB 860