10 July 2022
- All are welcome—CWBII 535, G 850
- Blessed Jesus, at your word—CWB 626, CWBII 457, GA 531
- Christ is the world’s light—CWB 643, CWBII 467
- Lord of all nations, grant me grace—CWBII 542, G 703
- O Christ the great foundation—CWBII 565, GA 483
- Seek, O seek the Lord—CWB 802, CWBII 595, GA 211
- The Church’s one foundation—CWB 819, CWBII 614, GA 484
- What is this place—AOV1 132, GA 479
Responsorial psalm (see also music overview for Ordinary Time)
- Psalm 68 (69): Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live (Isele/Murray)—CWB 393
- Alternative Responsorial Psalm 18 (19): The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart (Herry)—DD (Marist Music, free)
- Common Psalm 18 (19): Words of everlasting life (Palabras de vida eternal) (Alonso)—G 32
- Common Psalm 18 (19): Lord, you have the words (Thomas)—GA 21
- Common Psalm 18 (19): Your words are Spirit and life (Farrell)—DD (OCP)
- Common Psalm 18 (19): Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life (Hurd)—DD (OCP)
- Common Psalm 18 (19): Lord, you have the words (Willcock)—PFS 38
Gospel acclamation
cf. John 6:63c,68c
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Your words, Lord, are spirit and life;
you have the words of everlasting life.
Procession of the gifts/offertory
- A new commandment—CWB 615, CWBII 443, GA 318
- A Touching Place—GA 469
- Christians, let us love one another—CWB 648, CWBII 469, GA 206
- Healer of our every ill—G 960, DD (GIA)
- Lord of all nations, grant me grace—CWBII 542, G 703
- Servant Song—AOV2 169, CWBII 461, G 751, GA 487
- The cry of the poor—AOV1 83, CWBII 618, G 47, GA 36
- Ubi caritas (chant)—CWBII 639, GA 319
- Ubi caritas (Taizé)—CWBII 633, 634, GA 324
- Where there is charity and love—CWB 863, CWBII 638, GA 323
- Who will speak?—AOV2 102
- Word of God, come down on earth—CWBII 644
- God of mercy (Manalo)—DD (OCP)
- Bread of life (Stephan)—DD (OCP)
- No greater love—CWBII 622, G 701, GA 460
- Prayer of St Francis—AOV2 126, CWB 793, CWBII 555, G 828, GA 490
- Spirit-friend—GA 184
- This is my will—CWB 842, CWBII 626, GA 465
- Ubi caritas (Taizé)—CWBII 633, 634, GA 324
- Word of God, come down on earth—CWBII 644
Thanksgiving hymn/song/canticle (optional, sung by all)
- Because he lives (Maher)—DD (Praisecharts)
- God is love—CWBII 499
- Psalm 137 (138): On the day I called for help, you answered me, Lord (Heagney)—CWB 399
- Your grace is enough—AOVNG 156, DD (OCP)
Sending forth
- Praise to you, O Christ, our Saviour—AOV1 28, CWBII 587, G 596, GA 407
- Sing to the mountains—AOV1 92, CWBII 604, G 519, GA 362
- Take the word of God with you—CWBII 607, GA 494, DD (OCP)